Friday, January 4, 2013



     Well, I guess it's time for someone to post something.  I don't have much to say besides a little comical venting.  This is about overused phrases by church people.  Yes, even at Encounter we have church people with wayyy to much previous church baggage and it's starting to come out.  We recently did a survey and one question was about worship flow and here are the phrases that cause my soul to die everytime I read them:

     "We need to sing more good old hymns."  Really? Really? What makes one hymn "good, old" and not another? Shall I go buy a new organ for the occaision??? C'mon!  

     "As the church grows we need to start a choir."  Really? So 15 people who aren't on the worship team because of vocal ability can stand and painfully sing an awkward song no one has ever heard before and take up 5 minutes of time from the 1 hour flat service everyone wants?  C'mon!

And my most hated, most vague, most overused phrase from church people:

    "We need more of the meat and potatoes out of the sermon." Really?  Because you have God so figured out that if I spent 20 minutes doing the exegesis between vicarious and limited atonement and which one is more Biblical and Reformed you will grow closer to God?  C'mon!


  1. If only it were acceptable to say everything that crossed our minds when speaking to people...

  2. In the words of Ron Nydam, "It's all data."
